Windows Foundation Classes for Java (WFC) provides a framework of Java packages that support components targeted for the Microsoft Windows operating system and the Dynamic HTML object model. WFC is tightly integrated with the Microsoft Visual J++™ development environment and provides a full set of Windows controls written in Java. Building a Java application for Windows is made much easier by this tight integration and the support of features such as IntelliSense, the Forms Designer, the Application Wizard, and the Object Browser. While these Visual J++ features put you well on your way to creating applications, you'll probably want to understand the structure and logic behind the packages and classes that make up WFC.
The purpose of this section is to provide a conceptual framework for the WFC packages and classes and to explain some of the fundamental WFC models. Many of the packages exist as infrastructure for the component model and can be ignored by developers focusing on using the WFC controls. Other packages are most easily accessed from the Visual J++ Forms Designer. When you start exploring the WFC library, you'll want to know which packages and classes are important for your particular application.
The purpose of this section is to provide a conceptual framework for the WFC packages and classes and to explain some of the fundamental WFC models. Many of the packages exist as infrastructure for the component model and can be ignored by developers focusing on using the WFC controls. Other packages are most easily accessed from the Visual J++ Forms Designer. When you start exploring the WFC library, you'll want to know which packages and classes are important for your particular application.
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