Sunday, August 15, 2010

CS201 Final Paper 2010

total questions = 36
MCQs = 26

6 to 7 MCQS are of TRUE/FALSE

5 questions = 2 marks
3 questions = 3 marks
2 questions 5 marks
No 10 marks question
No any question to make any program

Difference between endl and \n ? (2 marks)
what is friend function ? justify ur answer (2 marks)
what is the major use of pointer ? (2 marks)
identify all the finctions .. get , unget,put,getline,peek,putline (3 marks)
it is possibe to overload operators for primitive date types ? (3 marks)
what is the purpose of testing in designing program ? (3 marks)
what is automatic variable ? why it is called automatic variable ? (5 marks)

Another Paper :-

It had total 36 questions, out of which:
 26 MCQs of marks 1 each
4 short questions of marks 2 each
3 short questions of marks 3 each
3 short questions of marks 5 each

Some of the short questions that I remember were:

- In one question of marks 5, a code was given and we were asked to point out errors in it, correct it and write the output (it was a simple code, with a simple class)
- In another question of marks 5, a simple code was given, code contained a class, and we were asked to write overloaded stream insertion << operator for the class
- Alternative of setw manipulator
- What is the benefit of reference? Where we can use it?
- what is the first parameter of overloaded stream insertion operator and extraction operator functions?

Another Paper:-

Q1: 2 marks.
What is meant by constructor conversion?
Q2: 2 marks
Can we overload new and delete operatore?
Q3: Syntax of class template. 2 marks
Q4: It was also of 2 marks
Q5: what is alternative of setw? 3marks
Q6: syntax of switch statements. 3 marks
Q7.If object of class A is call as data member of object of class B, then constructor and destructor of which class called first? 3marks
Q8: How do we can find the memory allocation has been done by using new operator? marks 5.
Q9: What is meant by garbage collection in JAVA,C++? 5marks
Q10: It was a program in which we have to write operator for (>>) operator. 5 marks

This was subjective in objective all MCQS and blanks was from OLD solved papers these were total 26 in numbers.

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