Thursday, February 3, 2011

SOC101 Current Quiz

The offenses like theft, burglary, assault, and rape are usually called as:

Which one of the following sociologist gave the concept of mores and folkways?

Different groups are likely to have different norms therefore what is deviant to some is not deviant to others. It is known as ___________.

Formal, impersonal, segmental and utilitarian are all characteristics of which one of the following?

Which one of the following is known as specific statements that people hold to be true?

As a result of socialization process the individuals develop their _________.

Masses of people migrated to cities at the end of nineteenth century, it was result of __________.

Schools explicitly instruct students in our political way of life, it is usually known as:

Family provides some degree of physical, economic, and psychological security to its members; it shows _________ function of family?

People who work in formal organizations, they mostly belong to _____________.

Which of the following moved production from home to factory and disrupted family team and weakened the bonds that tied family members together?

In Pakistani schools, at __________ level the teachers having very low qualifications, and in turn are also low paid.

Which concept refers to a status that has special importance for social identity, often shaping a person's entire life?


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